Saturday, March 9, 2013

What's Worse?

My husband wakes up, uses the restroom, sits in the recliner, gets up, gets dressed, and the first words out of his mouth are. . . "I'm going into work for a little bit." "But it's Saturday and you're off," I replied. "Yeah well I want to get unpacked and talk to the Captain prior to starting in BC on Monday." Fantastic!!! Another day spent without my husband, or so I assumed. Jason left and by left I mean me, and without any food in the house. Jason had asked if he could do the shopping and cooking for the month in hopes of getting us both on a healthier diet. Well. . . there is nothing in the house. . . I'll let you figure that one out.

So with Jason gone to work, I figured I would run to the store and do a bit of grocery shopping myself. I text Jason letting him know my plan. Now of course I am that person in the store with the list, pen, organized cart, and yes, I am the crazy lady who goes up and down every isle. Yeah. . . I have a problem. So I am shopping, hitting up all the good deals. I can make corn beef and cabbage for St Patty's Day. I can make a yummy soup. Ohh. . . Chicken is on sale. SCORE! My extremely full cart is now starting to overflow. As I turn down the last isle I get a text. . . from Jason. It reads "So was I (referring to going grocery shopping). Just spent 200 dollars, please do not buy food!" AWESOME! What am I suppose to do now? I text Jason and asked what he would like me to do with my full cart. His response is to leave my cart there and come home. I am so overcome with emotions at this point and now begin to cry in the middle of Publix because of pure embarrassment. I ended up putting somethings back, not all. I couldn't spend another hour returning everything I had picked up.

I get home to find Jason cooking lunch. Now I don't know what is worse. . . the fact that he isn't at work like he told me he was going to be and instead is home cooking lunch, that he went to the store and shopped at the exact same time I did, or that we purchased the EXACT same items. Our home is now stocked with 2 bottles of ketchup, 3 packages of paper plates, a ton of tomatoes, 2 things of bread, etc. It could have been worse. . . I could have bought the rest of my cart and doubled the amount of exact items he purchased.
Our score for communication today????? ZERO

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