Monday, March 4, 2013

59 degrees and falling

It's not every day that a cold snap all the way from Canada comes to Florida. With temperatures dipping into the 30's, it's no wonder the inside of the RV reached a record breaking 59 degrees. Yes, like most homes we do have a heater. Only thing is, our heater runs off of propane. Not only would we be using up tank after tank, but the wonderful smell of melting plastic mixed with burnt hair is not something I wish to fall asleep to. So. . . sweat pants, socks (I hate wearing socks to bed), 2 comforters, and snuggling with my Taylor girl were able to get me through the first cold night. Why wasn't Jason keeping me warm? He unfortunately was working 3 days straight. The next night I had the bright idea to turn on the fireplace located in the RV's living room. I set the temperature to 72 and left my bedroom door open. Again I wore socks, sweat pants, used 2 comforters, and snuggled with Taylor, only this time. . . we woke up to a 66 degree room. I love those Amish people.

This is similar looking to our fireplace :)

My sister and her boyfriend bought a beagle puppy. I am finally a proud aunt. Lacey is just 13 weeks and reminds me so much of Taylor as a puppy, both good and bad. I remember those sleepless nights in the beginning. Waking up at all hours to let her out pee pee. Having to repeat myself over and over again and the non stop energy. I warned Tara about what to expect, but it's hard to resist their adorable faces. The puppy seems to think Taylor is her mommy and has even tried nursing from her multiple times. It is by far one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I know Taylor would have been the best mommy. 

photos courtesy of What A Joy Photography

Friends of ours have invited us to stay on their property with the RV. This should give us a great advantage and allow us to save some money. With a $900 per month site fee, it becomes difficult setting money aside. It's so nice having friends who don't mind us being their lawn ornament for a while.

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