February 14, 2013
I spent Valentine's day at my parent's house with Taylor. Jason decided to pick up an overtime shift, thus leaving me to fend for myself. With the RV at work with Jason, my dinner options were order take out or sit by myself at a restaurant. . . take out it is. Jason and I have gone to the same restaurant every Valentine's Day since we've been married (Sushi Sogo). I figured it was only fitting to order from them. When I walked in, they all asked where Jason was and why I didn't order his usual. I love how they remember everything. It's been a while since we've been there too. Not living in the house anymore, we are never this way for dinner.My parents had left earlier in the day on a cruise. They would be gone the entire weekend, leaving me here 2 nights with the dogs (Taylor of course and their dog Chesney). I had made a photo album on shutterfly of our honeymoon for Jason. he really seemed to like it.
So it's Valentine's Day and I am in my parent's house, eating sushi, watching The Vow ALONE! I felt like such a pathetic teenager.
February 16, 2013
Jason left work this morning with our house in tow and headed to meet me at Markham, our home base. Check out is 1pm and check in is 3pm. Because we arrived around 9am, the people were not out of our spot yet. . . so we parked near a pavilion, put the slides out, and took a much needed nap. After a quick nap, Jason and I took a bike ride over to the other side of the park. It just so happened that it was Boy Scout weekend in the park. It brought thousands of little campers, their tents, and all things that come with boy scouts. It was cute. Our spot finally became available. We moved over and started setting up. As I pushed the extend button to let out the bedroom slide, I noticed a funny noise. Our slide's cable had snapped somehow. Great! Our first major "home repair." We aren't able to get an appointment to fix it until March 8th. . . Thank goodness it wasn't one of the main living slides. With it being the bedroom slide, it still allow us to sleep on the bed like normal. The only thing is in order to access the closet, we have to be sitting or kneeling on the bed. Bummer.
Jason was under the assumption that we had early dinner plans tonight with my parents. He obviously didn't remember that they were on a cruise. I had spent the past 3 months planning out a 30th surprise birthday party for him including close friends and family. With the broken slide causing me crazy stress on top of the anxiety of the party, I was almost at my breaking point. We finally got everything else set up and Jason tells me he wants to go to the gym. . . NO WAY JOSE! We started getting ready for the party and Jason picks a pair of plaid shorts to wear. OMG. Thank goodness I got him to change his mind to jeans. I walk out of the bathroom and notice he is laying in the recliner. "Are you going to do your hair?" I asked. "I'm just going to lay here for 5 minutes." The time is now 3:45pm. Guests are arriving at 4:00pm and we are suppose to be there by 4:30pm and you want to lay there for 5 minutes? If you know me at all, you know I am freaking out inside.
My anxiety was killing me the entire drive out to the beach. I felt like I was going to throw up. Jason seemed a bit off. I asked what was wrong and he replied with "I'm just tired. I wanted to ask you to stop and get a Monster (energy drink), but I thought you would get mad because we are running late (to dinner with my family. . . so he thought)." With the time now approaching 4:15pm, I decided to stop about half way to the restaurant. As soon as he jumped out of the car I called my sister to update her. With 15 minutes as our ETA, my stomach started spinning. I felt like I was going to slip up and say something. I hate keeping things from him. I'm the girl who buys Christmas gifts in October and gives them out in November. I can never make it to the day.
With Jason back in the car, we headed to the beach. We pull into the parking lot and I start to wonder if he will notice people's cars. I try to distract him with asking questions like "Are the waves? Can you see them?" Stupid! I didn't know what else to say. We get out of the car, pay the meter, and start walking. I know they are all just waiting for us up the stairs and through the door. It's only seconds away now. Jason opens the door for me and. . . SURPRISE! He was SOOOO surprised. His expression was pure confusion. He turned to me and asked "What's this?" I of course couldn't contain myself and started to cry. He cautiously approached everyone, still unsure that this was all for him. I greeted the first 5 people while completely shaking from the whole experience.
The party was fantastic! Good food, great family and friends, and I think Jason truly enjoyed himself. He has never been surprised and I was so happy to be able to pull it off.
The invitation
A video made for Jason by his friend. . . it played throughout the entire restaurant!

Incredible views in all directions
Thirsty and Thirty shirt with 30 beer bottles to match the invitation :)
Taking a second to ourselves to enjoy the night
Getting a little tipsy
Oh No
The Big 30
It was such a great night. I was able to let go and relax. I relaxed a little too much and had to eat 16 saltine crackers just to feel better. It was so worth it though.
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